Resistance Red Flags: Signs You Might Be Experiencing Inner Resistance and How to Address It

Have you ever set a goal that truly excited you, only to find yourself feeling stuck, dragging your feet, or second-guessing every step? If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone. What you might be experiencing is inner resistance—that sneaky little force that holds you back, even when you’re ready to move forward. The good news? Once you recognize it, you can work with it, not against it, to reach your goals with ease and confidence.

What Is Inner Resistance?

Inner resistance is like an internal speed bump that slows you down whenever you’re about to step out of your comfort zone. It can show up as doubts, fears, or even physical discomfort, making it tricky to spot at first. But here’s the thing: resistance isn’t the enemy. It’s just your mind and body’s way of saying, “Hey, this is new territory!” Recognizing it is the first step toward moving forward.

Red Flags You Might Be Experiencing Inner Resistance

  1. Procrastination: You keep putting things off—even the tasks you know are super important. Suddenly, organizing your closet or scrolling social media seems way more appealing than tackling that big project.

  2. Overthinking: Every decision feels like it could make or break your goal. You spend hours analyzing, planning, and re-planning instead of just diving in.

  3. Self-Doubt: Thoughts like, “Who am I to do this?” or “I’ll probably fail anyway” start creeping in, making you question yourself.

  4. Physical Symptoms: Resistance isn’t just in your head—it can show up in your body too. Maybe you feel tension in your shoulders, a tight chest, or an overwhelming sense of fatigue whenever you think about your goal.

  5. Busywork Without Progress: You’re constantly doing something, but those tasks don’t seem to move you closer to your goal. It’s like running on a hamster wheel.

  6. Negative Self-Talk: That inner critic starts getting loud, filling your mind with fears about failure, rejection, or not being good enough.

How to Address Inner Resistance

  1. Acknowledge It: The first and most important step is to notice when resistance is popping up. It’s not a sign of failure—it’s just your brain’s way of reacting to change. A simple, “Oh, I see you, resistance!” can make all the difference.

  2. Tune Into Your Body: Pay attention to where you’re holding tension. Is it in your neck? Your jaw? Your stomach? A few deep breaths or a gentle stretch can help release that pent-up energy.

  3. Break It Down: Big goals can feel overwhelming. Try breaking them into bite-sized steps. Focus on just one tiny task at a time and celebrate each little win along the way.

  4. Reframe Your Thoughts: Instead of listening to that critical inner voice, try flipping the script. Replace “I’m not ready” with “I’m learning as I go,” or “What if I fail?” with “What if this works?”

  5. Reconnect with Your Why: Take a moment to think about why this goal matters to you. Visualize how amazing it will feel to achieve it. That motivation can help push through the resistance.

  6. Ask for Support: Sometimes we all need a little help. Whether it’s a coach, a friend, or a community, talking it out can give you fresh perspectives and encouragement to keep going.

embrace the growth process

Inner resistance is a natural part of the growth process. It’s not here to stop you; it’s here to challenge you to grow. By recognizing the signs and taking small, intentional steps, you can turn resistance into an ally instead of an obstacle. Remember, every step—even the smallest one—is progress. You’ve got this!


Aligning Mind & Body for Goal Achievement

through energy & somatic breakthrough by Shuhada Alauddin

For entrepreneurs, professionals, and goal-oriented women reaching the edges of their success.

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